The Unit for the History of Slavonia, Syrmia and Baranya in Slavonski Brod is situated in a building protected as a historic monument in the pedestrian area of A. Starčević Street (No. 8), only a few steps away from the Brod Korzo. The building was built by the Horvat family in 1880. A descendant of the family, Stjepan pl. Horvat (1844-1927), butcher and popular mayor, bequeathed the building to the “poor” of the city. Today, with the approval of the City of Brod, the building is used by two institutions, the Unit of the Croatian Institute of History and the Brod Art Gallery. The memorial hall of the poet Dragutin Tadijanović is established in the ground-floor of the building.
Name: Hrvatski institut za povijest – Podružnica za povijest Slavonije, Srijema i Baranje
Company number: 03207153
OIB: 23296176633
Bank account number at Hrvatska poštanska banka: 2390001-1400000096
IBAN: HR7023900011400000096
Street and house number: Ante Starčevića 8
Postal code: 35000
City: Slavonski Brod
E-mail address:
Telephone: 035 447 243
Fax: 035 447 247
Head of Unit: prof. dr. sc. Miroslav Akmadža
E-mail adresa:
Secretary: Silvija Bilić Štajduhar, mag. iur.
E-mail address:
The German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has approved full funding for a research group linkage project involving the Croatian Institute of History – Branch for the History of Slavonia, Srijem and Baranja in Slavonski Brod, the Ruhr Bochum Center for Mediterranean Studies and the Department of Eastern and Southeastern European History at the Leipzig University.