Welcome to the website of the Unit for History of Slavonia, Syrmia and Baranya, the regional unit of the Croatian Institute of History.
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The German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has approved full funding for a research group linkage project involving the Croatian Institute of History – Branch for the History of Slavonia, Srijem and Baranja in Slavonski Brod, the Ruhr Bochum Center for Mediterranean Studies and the Department of Eastern and Southeastern European History at the Leipzig University.
Place and time of the conference: Slavonski Brod, 21 and 22 October 2021
Name Slavonija potječe od srednjovjekovnog latinskog imena S(c)lavonia koje, jednako kao i oblici S(c)lavia i S(c)lavinia, označava "zemlju nastanjenu Slavenima (Sclavi, Sclavini, Sclavones)".
Read moreIme pokrajine Srijem poteklo je od imena antičkoga središnjeg grada, Sirmija (lat. Sirmium / grč. Sírmion), na mjestu današnje Srijemske Mitrovice. Od pučkog latinskog oblika Sermi- postalo je staroslavensko Srěmъ, s potonjim odvjetcima Srijem i Srem, odnosno mađ. Szerém i tur. Sirem.
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